[Translate to English:] Eine Spendenbox aus Plastik, darin Geldscheine. Aufkleber "Danke für Ihre Spende". Im Hintergrund ein Fenster mit Regentropfen.
A donation box at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial. Photo: SHGL


We appreciate your donations that support our outreach work, research and documentation, as well as work with survivors and their family members.

Vierländer Volksbank
IBAN: DE92 2019 0109 0061 0287 51

Please write “Donation“under intended use

Donating through PayPal is also possible.

The foundation and its memorials are recognized as non-profits, meaning your donation is tax-deductible. Up to an amount of € 300, the tax office will recognize this by presenting your bank statement. For donations larger than this amount, we will happily give a donation receipt upon request via e-mail with your contact information (Full name and address, as well as date and amount donated) to: paypal@gedenkstaetten.hamburg.de. You can also select this email as a recipient in PayPal and donate this way.

Thank you very much for your donations!