Our reference library is open to the public and holds a collection of works focusing on the following themes:
The library’s systematically organised collection includes roughly 20,000 books. We also subscribe to 110 journals. In the reading room, we have desks for ten people and a computer with Internet access. The entire collection can be searched in the online library database of the Gemeinsame Bibliotheksverbund (GBV): GBV catalogue
You can also search the shared online catalogue of libraries at memorial sites of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Gedenkstättenbibliotheken (AGGB): AGGB catalogue
Digital copies of early survivors' testimonies in the library of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial can be found here.
The library also contains Fritz Bringmann’s (1918-2011) and Ralph Giordano’s (1923-2014) personal collections, which are separately classified and shelved. Visitors can see the collections by appointment.