Foto der Fahnen mit den Namen der Toten im Haus des Gedenkens
Namen der Toten im Haus des Gedenkens. Foto: KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, 2001. (ANg 2001-546)


The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is an institution of the Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres Commemorating the Victims of Nazi Crimes. It is funded by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media of the German government.

Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres Commemorating the Victims of Nazi Crimes 
Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial
Jean-Dolidier-Weg 75
21039 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 428131500
Fax: +49 40 428131501

Director of the Foundation: Prof Dr Oliver von Wrochem
Director of the Memorial: Prof Dr Oliver von Wrochem
Website editor: Dr Iris Groschek
Web design: Redaktion4
Web design and


English: Michelle Miles & Dr Ingo Maerker (
French: Dominique-Marie Bohère, Annick & Christine Eckel
Leichte Sprache (Plain German): Capito Berlin
German Sign Language: Martina Bergmann, Myoae Kang

Picture credits

The photographs featured here are from the archive of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial (ANg), the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) in Amsterdam, the Museet for Danmarks Frihedskamp in Copenhagen (MDF), the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in London, the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (BLHA) and the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society in Brussels (CEGESOMA). Additional information about photographers and archives can be found in the descriptions below the photographs.

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This website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of these websites. The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial therefore makes no guarantees for any linked websites and does not admit any liability or responsibility concerning the use of such websites. These websites were reviewed for illegal content at the time they were linked. However, it is impossible to continue to review these websites on a regular basis. Should any illegal content be found, the link in question will be deleted immediately.


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