Many school classes visit the Memorial during or after lessons about National Socialism in the ninth or tenth grade. Most classes therefore already have some background knowledge about the Nazi period and the mechanisms of exclusion and persecution during that time. They are thus able to contextualise and discuss what they learn at the Memorial.
However, it is still a good idea for teachers to prepare their classes before visiting the Memorial by talking to pupils about their expectations and fears and by explaining the difference between a concentration camp and a memorial. If you want to prepare your class for a visit to the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, we can help you with information about prisoners’ life stories as well as worksheets on a variety of topics.
Preparation of the memorial visit (information for teachers)
The following worksheets focus on different themes and are available for schools classes who plan to visit the Memorial. The worksheets are intended to inspire questions that can be explored at the site.
Worksheet: What is a Memorial?
Worksheet: Types of Prisoners
Worksheet: Slave Labour
Worksheet: The Satellite Camp System
Worksheet: The Camp SS
Pupils in the eighth grade or higher can also access the life stories of 17 prisoners online (in German). These offer insight into different reasons why people were persecuted and they briefly tell the stories of prisoners of the Neuengamme concentration camp. The worksheets are intended to inspire questions that can be explored at the site:
Prisoners’ life stories (German)