04/21/2021 Exhibition
The exhibition "Survived! And Now? Hamburg Victims of Nazi Persecution after their Liberation" is the first special exhibition to be shown at the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial after the reopening of the museums and memorials. The exhibition reports on the experiences and living conditions of survivors of National Socialist persecution in Hamburg. How did they fare in the weeks and months after their liberation?
The end of the Second World War 76 years ago brought the long-awaited liberation to those persecuted under National Socialism. Thousands of prisoners from Neuengamme concentration camp had been taken out of the city shortly before the British troops arrived. Many of the women, men and children from across Europe had only just survived the Nazi terror. Most of them were sick, emaciated and barely had anything. Where could they get support? How were they supposed to get home? Did they even have a home and a family to go back to? And were their relatives still alive?
In addition to persecuted Hamburg citizens, the exhibition presents people who had been deported to Hamburg, for example as forced labourers or as prisoners of Neuengamme concentration camp and its subcamps–regardless of where they were liberated. Again and again it becomes clear that the return to a "normal" life was often a difficult process for the survivors. Not for all, liberation also meant an end to hardship.
The exhibition (German/English) can be visited until 26 September 2021. Note on current visiting regulations