04/26/2018 News

Register now for the International Summer Camp in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial

The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial will be hosting another international summer camp in cooperation with Service Civil International (SCI) from August 18 till September 1, 2018. This year the participants will work in and around the SS air raid shelters located on the former concentration camp site and set up a small exhibit in which they will juxtapose the idea of the safety of the SS guards with the deadly deployment of concentration camp prisoners in the construction of the shelters.

The participants will also have the opportunity to talk to the children of the former prisoners. Their work and results will be documented and presented in articles, blogs and local newspapers or possibly as a part of a literary event. Moreover, they will be engaged in the activities aimed at the preservation of the memorial’s cultural landscape.

We are looking forward to applications from young people from all over the world!

Here you can find more information on the summer camp program and the application procedure.