09/01/2015 Project

New Blog „Reflections on Family History Affected by Nazi Crimes"

Four Months ago, during the Forum „Future of Remembrance“, we led fruitful discussions, developed new ideas and laid the foundation for new projects. Today, we would like to inform you about opportunities for continuing this promising exchange of ideas.

We are delighted that the Friends of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial has launched the blog „Reflections on Family History Affected by Nazi Crimes“ so that you can contribute your answers to the question “How would we like to commemorate in the future?” to a new dialogue. This is an offer for relatives of former concentration camp prisoners, resisters as well as bystanders and perpetrators. The blog starts where the five workshops held during the Forum left off and also keeps you up to date on new developments related to the “Future of Remembrance”. You can contribute to this blog by posting comments as well as your own articles.

In fact, we would like to draw your attention to the category „Your Ideas“. This is your chance to influence the planning and the organization of the Forum 2016. Share with us, which topics you would like to see discussed from April 30 till May 2, 2016. Please help us make the Forum 2016 a great success!