Please note: The news of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial are presented here. All news of the Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Sites can be found in the Foundation's news list.

Tag: Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme

Posts for tag: Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme

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11/26/2024 Conference

Report on the 10th “Future of Remembrance” Forum 2024

This year’s “Future of Remembrance” Forum (November 13–14, 2024) once again brought together numerous participants from various countries to discuss the significance of the culture of remembrance in relation to National Socialism in a changing world. Read more

11/03/2023 Commemorative ceremony

The French Amicale Visited the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial

On October 28, 2023, a group from the French Amicale visited the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial as part of their memorial tour ("pèlerinage"). Read more

10/17/2023 Conference, Report

"Shifts of Time": Report from the Colloquium on the Revision of the International Memorial at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial.

The "International Memorial" at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is a protected monument that was erected in 1965 by the city of Hamburg through an initiative of the Amicale Internationale de Neuengamme (AIN). Part of the historic site are 22 memorial stones naming the countries of origin of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp prisoners. In the planned redesign of the memorial, one of the main goals is to take into consideration the changes of nation states overtime and to make victim groups who do not see themselves represented in the current site visible in an appropriate way. Read more

03/04/2022 News

Appeal from the world of remembrance of the deportation

The members of the international committees and national associations of remembrance of the camps of : Auschwitz, Buchenwald-Dora, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen, Natzweiler-Struthof, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen have signed the following appeal : Stop this war immediately! Read more

02/25/2022 News

Robert Pinçon would have been 100 years old today

On the occasion of his 100th birthday, we commemorate Robert Pinçon, to whom the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial owes a lot. Read more

11/19/2021 Report

Report on the 7th "Future of Remembrance" Forum

From 10 to 12 November 2021, the seventh "Future of Remembrance" Forum took place at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial. Relatives of victims of Nazi persecution, descendants of Nazi perpetrators, memorial site staff and those committed to the culture of remembrance from France, Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, the USA and Germany came together to exchange views on approaches and practices of coming to terms with experiences of persecution and National Socialist perpetration in one’s family history. Read more

12/18/2020 News

The Reflections Blog of the Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme

The Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme is pleased to introduce two new staff members for the Reflections blog. Since mid-November, Gyde Sönksen and Jonas Reinhardt have been supporting the Reflections blog and its social media presence as student volunteers. Read more

12/03/2019 Report

Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme Elects New Board of Directors

The Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme (AIN) elected a new board of directors on November 16, 2019. The AIN is an umbrella organization which represents national associations of former prisoners of the Neuengamme concentration camp as well as their relatives and friends. The new president is Martine Letterie from the Netherlands. Read more

05/08/2019 News

Amicale Internationale Neuengamme launches Young Committee for the next generations

On May 1st, 2019 the Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme founded a new committee to represent 3rd and 4th generation descendants of victims and survivors of the Neuengamme concentration camp. It will focus on building a global network of descendants, supporting family history research and developing educational material for remembrance education. Read more

05/07/2019 Commemorative ceremony

Overview of the Commemorative Events to Mark the 74th Anniversary of the Liberation

Nine survivors attended the commemorative events on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the end of the war at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial: Nataliya Radchenko from Belarus, Nahum Rotenberg from Israel, Kseniya Olchova from Russia, Livia Fränkel and Elisabeth Kischinowski Masur from Sweden, Yevgeniy Malychin, Anton Rudnev and Karl Paiuk from Ukraine and Margot Heuman from the United States. Delegations and survivors’ associations from Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Poland and Germany also attended the events. Moreover, we were pleased to welcome numerous relatives of former prisoners of the Neuengamme concentration camp. Read more