Between January and April 1945, there was a satellite camp of Neuengamme concentration camp in the town of Verden an der Aller. According to a report by Dr. Trzebinski, the SS Garrison Physician at Neuengamme concentration camp, there were 8 male prisoners working for the SS Central Construction Office (SS-Bauleitung) in Verden on 25 March 1945. They were forced to carry out construction work for the “Sachsenhain” SS training school.
Very little is known about the prisoners’ living and working conditions. The name of the camp commander and the fate of the prisoners after the camp was evacuated in April 1945 are also not known.
8 January 1945 to April 1945
8 Male Prisoners
Construction of the “Sachsenhain” SS training school
SS Central Construction Office in Verden
Via Hamburger Straße (B 215) and Achimer Straße, turn onto Zum Thingplatz, 27283 Verden (Aller), Germany
Am 12. November 2009 stimmte der Kulturausschuss der Stadt Verden an der Aller mit einer Gegenstimme durch die Vorsitzende für ein Konzept zur Kenntlichmachung von Orten der Verfolgung und Orten der Täter im Nationalsozialismus.
Förderverein Regionalgeschichte des Landkreises Verden e.V.
Vorsitzender Herr Dr. Joachim Woock
Labiaustraße 2
27283 Verden (Aller)
Tel.: +49 (0) 4231 – 8 17 82
Fax: +49 (0) 4231 – 9 76 16 4