Lüneburg-Kaland (2nd SS Construction Brigade)

The Kaland satellite camp, which existed from August to November 1943 in the city of Lüneburg, was unknown until the 1990s. The public did not become aware of the camp’s existence until documents were discovered in the Lüneburg city archive and published.

After Allied bombing raids had destroyed large parts of Hamburg in late July 1943, air-raid protection efforts were also stepped up in Lüneburg. From 12 August 1943, 155 prisoners from Neuengamme concentration camp were forced to dig splinter protection trenches here.

They were housed in the “Kalandhaus”, a municipal building near the Johanneum secondary school and across from the Johanniskirche which had previously been used as a gymnasium and a Hitler Youth home. Schoolchildren from the neighbouring Johanneum school were witnesses to activities at the satellite camp, as they were separated from the prisoners in the Kalandhaus only by a double fence erected in the schoolyard.

The camp commander was SS-Oberscharführer Johann Hille. The local police force supplied “auxiliary policemen” to guard the prisoners working in various parts of the city. In at least one case, a teacher from the Johanneum was also conscripted to work during the summer holiday. The SS evacuated the camp on 13 November 1943 and the prisoners were transported back to the Neuengamme main camp.


12 August 1943 to 13 November 1943

Number of Prisoners

155 Male Prisoners

Kind of Work

Construction of splinter protection trenches (air-raid protection)

Labor on Behalf of

Lüneburg City Council



Approach via the city ring road, Stresemannstrasse and Rote Strasse to Kalandstrasse, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany.




Geschichtswerkstatt Lüneburg e. V.,
Heiligengeiststraße 28
21335 Lüneburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 4131 – 4 01 93 6
Fax: +49 (0) 4131 – 4 03 65 6
Email: info@geschichtswerkstatt-lueneburg.de
Homepage: www.geschichtswerkstatt-lueneburg.de